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Dr. K.P. Gopalkrishna
Chairman, NPS Group

As the world approaches a new age of synthesis, knowledge alone cannot suffice; but demands a broader vision towards fulfilling the challenges of educating the present generation.

Teachers, planners, educators and parents have an important role in restructuring the policy of education, which helps children to become independent thinkers, creators and managers.

NPS, is a vibrant and welcoming learning community committed to creating the best possible educational experience for every child. To facilitate this, we provide a broad, well-balanced and relevant curriculum, encouraging positive social behavior and emphasizing values.

"Curriculum for Excellence" for learners from age 3 to 18 has been evolved in NPS, to mould children to become, successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and visionary leaders.
I welcome parents and students to be a part of this family to share common ideas and aspirations as we build through a challenging and enriching educational experience for our students.

Dr. Shivshankar
Chairman, NPS Yeshwanthpur

There is no letter that cannot be used to form a manthra. There is no root that cannot be made into a medicine. There is no person who is unworthy, What we lack is people who can make mathra out of Letters, medicine out of roots and bring out true potential out of individuals.

The above subhashitha teaches us the importance of bringing out the best in each child that forms the basis of education.

National public school, yeshwanthpur boosts confidence and teaches each individual to establish and maintain friendships and helps and motivates each one to learn how to work together as a team which is a primary tenet of any successful society. Albert Einstein rightly observes “Education is not only learning of facts, it is rather the training of the mind to think”. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Education is the basis for all progress in the world.

National public school, yeshwanthpur, continually strives to identify and respond to the volatile demands of the education sector. Our aim is to offer our students a relevant and self-motivated curriculum which will help them achieve brighter and more secure prospects for their future. We focus to inculcate values like humanity, compassion, courage and integrity. Along with hoping to provide our children a sustainable environment through their formative years, our objective is to continue to be recognised as torch bearers in the field of education. I am positive that our students will achieve great heights and sculpt out a future not only for themselves but for the world as well.

I take immense pleasure in welcoming parents and students to be a part of our family to share ideas and aspirations as we strive to build through an enriching and enjoyable educational experience for our children.

Ms. Sheeja Manoj
Principal, NPS Yeshwanthpur

Every bud conceals fragrance, colours and a promise within its sepals. The external stimulus only facilitates to strengthen, unfurl and manifest the beauty of flowers.

At National Public School Yeshwanthpur we breathe this axiom and strongly believe that every child is a bud and waits for the opportune moment to blossom. Every child has a hidden potential, an innate ability which can be unleashed, when provided a conducive learning environment. The true purpose of education lies in giving children the opportunities to experiment, the latitude to identify and the space to explore themselves.

National Public School Yeshwanthpur essentially recognizes every child to be unique and their individuality is celebrated. The motivated educators at our school are adept at facilitating experiences, nurturing talents, evolving the skill sets, stimulating the intellect and gently leading the children towards excellence. They adopt, adapt and evolve new methodology to be in tune with the changing times. The younger generation are imbued with an ability to learn, apply, unlearn, and relearn so that they are equipped with a competitive edge as they step into the millennium as global citizens.

It has been our constant endeavour to provide holistic development to every student so that they imbibe values, developed stimulated intellect and contribute to the growth of the society. Every student who leaves the portals of this school is infused with self-discipline, great sense of self awareness, accountability for outcomes, strength of character and a shared responsibility towards the community. Above all, the real education is a journey of transforming the ‘human being’ in to ‘being human’.

A very important factor that shapes a child’s quest of learning and excellence is the motivation from parents. The constant support of the parents in a warm , gentle but emphatic manner will help children grow into an independent and confident individual. A fruitful collaboration between parents and teachers will definitely warrant a young new generation who are equipped to chase their own dreams, materialise their aspirations, who will be instrumental as a medium for change and emerge as leaders in this dynamically changing world.

Let us all embark together in this voyage of making our children resilient in the face of unforeseen circumstances, foster curiosity and creativity, a firm grounding to do what is right, encourage them to appreciate the quest itself and bestow upon them the power to unlock their own future.

Dear students for you to ponder…
'The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.' -Confucius

Phone : +91 8029501184, +91 8023571220
Email : info@npsypr.edu.in, admissions@npsypr.edu.in

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