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Co-Scholastic Programmes
Classes 1-5

National Public School Yeshwanthpur focuses on the holistic development of the students. An integral part of the curriculum comprises of a wide spectrum activities. Co-curricular Activities (CCA) ensures the harmonious growth of personality in children. CCA are an extension of the formal learning experiences and play a vital role in supplementing the academic activities. They develop interest and help to improve language skill, Communicative skill, Theatrical skill and the artistic skill of the child. CCA also help to improve analytical thrust for knowledge competitive spirit, value orientation, leadership teamwork and various other facets of life. To inculcate all the said qualities, quiz, recitation, extempore speech, elocution, debate, mono act, fancy dress, competitions are conducted as per a well-planned CCA calendar throughout the academic year. Co-curricular Activities cover all the areas which ensure development of holistic personality providing ample opportunities to the students to develop their inborn talents and abilities. Every child gets an opportunity to discover different facets of their personality. These activities prepare the students’ for an ever-changing and challenging world.

Classes 6-12

The following Associations facilitate Inter-house competition

Literary Association – Junior and Senior
Language Association – Junior and Senior
Math Association – Junior and Senior
Humanities Association – Junior and Senior
Science Association – Junior and Senior
Eco Association – Junior and Senior
Quiz Association – Junior and Senior
Cultural Association – (Music, Dance & Art and Craft) – Junior and Senior
Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat Association – Junior and Senior
Commerce Association – Senior
MUN Association - Senior

The establishment of extra-curricular programmes is paramount in fostering personal growth and promoting leadership. National Public School Yeshwanthpur encourages students to pursue their interests and passions outside of the classroom. There are opportunities like debates, essay writing, quizzes, music, dance and drama, art and painting, educational tours etc. Our extra-curricular programme runs in conjunction with whole class participation in certain events. Most Saturdays, events are organised allowing students to work with other students of different ages, encouraging co-operation, team spirit and healthy competition.

Classes 1-12

Sports is an integral part of our curriculum which is designed to engage students in movement skills and to learn strategies in various sports. Sports Education is offered through multiple avenues ranging from dedicated PE sessions and After School Sports Activities.
National Public School Yeshwanthpur provides well equipped multi sporting facilities that include Cricket, Basketball, Throwball, Volleyball, Badminton, Kho-Kho, Atheletics and indoor games such as Chess, Carrom etc. The school not only develops student's physical abilities but also inculcates a sense of good sportsmanship in all students who further develop different levels of experience from the game.
Inter-house sports competitions are conducted periodically to develop physical, emotional and social skills amongst students and to help them acquire a sense of personal responsibility for lifelong health.


The School Library recognises their Avid Readers every month, thus encouraging and promoting Reading skills in every student. The School Magazine Repertoire is an annual publication. Students compile and integrate the text matter and are given the opportunity to enhance their creativity through their school magazine.


Extracurricular activities are an essential element of school life. Yoga, Music, Craft, Art, Dance and a host of other such activities are woven into the framework of the curriculum to expose students to various other pursuits other than academics. Students have access to news around them through the NIE programme which the school has subscribed.

Phone : +91 8029501184, +91 8023571220
Email : info@npsypr.edu.in, admissions@npsypr.edu.in

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