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Current Global Climate issues

Class: 8 & Date: 2 SEPTEMBER 2023

A workshop on the topic Current Global Climate issues was conducted by Mr. Krishna S Bharadwaj, for students of class 8 on Saturday, 2nd September 2023. Mr. Bharadwaj is currently doing his graduation from the prestigious Indian Institute of Sciences. The workshop intended to make the students aware about the factors causing Climate change and Global warming.
The resource person gave an insight about the dangers posed to ozone layer by CFC’s and depletion of fossil fuels. He also threw light on the biological solutions to these problems. The main highlight of the workshop was to create awareness among students about current Global Climate issues and unique solutions to these. He also encouraged the school students to be a part of this global movement.
The session proved to be an enriching and learning experience for all the students. They gained valuable insights for the making of a better tomorrow.

“Climate change is the Everest of all problems, the thorniest challenge facing humankind - Lewis Gordon Pugh”

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