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Prize Distribution Ceremony

Class: 6 – 8 Date: 09 FEBRUARY 2024

The Prize Distribution Ceremony for classes 6 to 8 was a memorable event that took place on Friday, 09 February 2024, at National Public School, Yeshwanthpur. The event aimed to recognize and celebrate the academic achievements, talents and efforts of students in various fields.
The highlight of the day was the recognition of academic excellence. Students who excelled in academics were awarded certificates and trophies. One student from each grade received special honour for their outstanding academic performance.
Beyond academics, the school also celebrated achievements in sports and various association activities. Students who had demonstrated exceptional skills in sports, arts, music and other extracurricular activities were applauded and awarded.
Special awards were presented to the students who exhibited leadership qualities, good behaviour and made outstanding contributions to the school community. These awards aimed to encourage values such as discipline, teamwork and social responsibility.
The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks extended by a student representative. The student expressed gratitude to the school management, principal, teachers, parents and students for their collective efforts in making the academic year a success.
The event fostered a sense of pride, motivation and community spirit among the students to pursue excellence in all their endeavours.

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do best. ”

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